About Green Health Naturals

Welcome to Green Health Naturals!


I’m so glad you’re here.

I’ve always tried to live my life aligned with the natural world. I love the whole idea of growing my own herbs and vegetables. I adore shopping for fragrant heirloom roses or night blooming jasmine at garden centers.

I want to know how everything was raised – the soil content, the fertilizers, and most importantly to make sure that no chemicals were used. Mmmm… organic, fragrant.

I believe that the natural world is the original blueprint. There are too many shortcuts these days in the process of getting things to market too quickly.

Between the questionable fertilizers and chemicals used on crops, and the added hormones and antibiotics in our meats, the nutrients in our foods are seriously suffering.

It’s time to return to the original blueprint and regroup.

My grandparents knew the original blueprint all too well. I grew up in the 70’s which means that my grandparents were born in an even earlier era (1898-1905). Back then they had to know how to live off the land otherwise they would starve and die.

They grew their own food (planted by the moon), raised their own animals, created poultices for wounds and medicines from herbs, collected water from a well, generated electricity by windmills, and grew flowers that actually had fragrance.

Life was harder and it was simpler at the same time – a time when food was real and you knew what you were eating.

I want to share some of their techniques as well as many modern methods with those who seek a more natural way of living.

I hope you enjoy my little corner of the garden and find some information that can be truly helpful to you.

Of course as time goes on I’ll be adding more recipes, garden tips, and other natural ways to stay healthy and relaxed so be sure to check back often.


Here’s To Your Good Health and To Your Happiness!


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