Overlooked Remedy for Itchy Mosquito Bites

Overlooked Remedy for Itchy Mosquito Bites

Summer is in Full Swing and so are the Mosquitos!


Mosquitos have always been the norm here in Minnesota due to the thousands of lakes and thick, lush plant life. It truly IS a paradise for these annoying little bloodsuckers.

The old joke around here is that the mosquito is actually our state bird. Thankfully they’re not as big as birds – yikes! At least you can see a bird coming but we sure can’t say that about mosquitos.

There’s no question about it being a worldwide problem. To combat the issue, many cities and local townships have a truck that slowly drives around the neighborhoods (usually late at night) spraying for mosquitos. I’ve already seen the trucks several times in my neighborhood, and I’ve got to say it does help bring their population down.

To be realistic, eradicating them completely will probably never happen. Our best defense at present is to use repellant on our bodies and spray the neighborhoods. There are bug zappers, fly swatters, citronella coils and citronella plants to name a few, that help to stave them off, but they only go so far.

In the meantime we’ll still get bit and when we do, how can we relieve the inevitable itch that  follows?  There’s only so much that can be done after the fact – like trying not to scratch! Yeah right.


Why Do Mosquito Bites Make Us Itchy?


Why does it itch when we get bit by a mosquito? Here’s what I found out:

When a mosquito bites us, it introduces their saliva into the skin. Mosquito saliva interferes with the blood’s ability to form clots. When there is no clotting, it allows a mosquito to feed uninterrupted.

Their saliva contains proteins that provoke a reaction from our immune system and in turn, our system responds by releasing histamines. These chemical messengers summon white blood cells to the affected area resulting in the typical itching sensation associated with mosquito bites.

I never used to be as allergic to mosquito bites as I am now. I don’t know if it’s me or if the mosquitos have become more powerful.

When I was younger and got bit by a mosquito, a small itchy little bump would appear. But now, those “little bumps” can get quite large! Most times, they’ll swell up fairly quick to the size of a large grape cut in half (without scratching).

And other bites, well… check it out.

Left: My Normal Hand / Right: My Hand after a Mosquito Bite.


If I scratch, the effects of the insect’s saliva tends to spread out and therefore that little bump becomes much bigger.

Of course it makes sense not to scratch – if only that were possible.


What Works to Quickly Calm the Itch of a Mosquito Bite?


In the past, the only thing I could use was my best Jedi mind tricks on them hoping that the “mind over matter” thing would work – uh, nope.

I’ve tried the classic itch reliever “Calamine Lotion”, but it left a coating on my skin that got on everything. Plus, it was rubbed off too easily by my clothing and it didn’t really help me out that much. I even reapplied it hoping to ease the itching. It was… ok. I had to find something better.

That’s when I started checking out different lotions and salves used for sore muscles and compared the numbing ingredients in each. Most of these products mention that they can also be used for bug bites, but not all of them contain enough of the right ingredients.

One note, as with any of these, it may need to be reapplied (depending on the power of the mosquito bite) to keep the itch at bay. But they work great by quickly bringing relief!



My 3 Favorite Itch/Muscle Relieving Product Lines


1. Icy Hot

Icy Hot Original in the Tube:

Active Ingredients: Menthol 10% / Methyl Salicylate 30%

Early on in my bug bite research I happened to have some “Icy Hot” lotion in my medicine cabinet and thought I’d give it a try.

It had quite a bit of Menthol and Methyl Salicylate in it (ingredients that numbs the skin and muscles) and it worked really well. It did seem to fade fairly quickly but I think that’s because it’s light “lotion” as opposed to a “balm” which is thicker.

Icy Hot has a few different options: a cream, a balm, and one that has Lidocaine in it. I haven’t tried the Balm or the Lidocaine versions, so I didn’t include them below.

You’ll most likely need to reapply it once or twice when it starts to get itchy again, but it does give good relief. And, it’s in a handy tube.

Where to find it: Icy Hot Original can be found for around $6 at most grocery stores, Amazon, Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, etc.


2. Tiger Balm Product Line

    a. Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub:

Active Ingredients: Menthol10% / Camphor 11%

Other Ingredients include Lavender and Eucalyptus which contribute nicely to the fragrance.

I like this creamy lotion a lot. It works great on my bug bites and is wonderful for my sore muscles and joints.

The Lavender gives it has a sort of floral fragrance mixed with Eucalyptus and the Menthol.  I like that it rubs into my skin without leaving any surface residue or oils.

It come in a tube so it’s easy to throw in your bag to have handy when bugs attack or even when your muscles start to ache while on the road.

Where to find it: I found Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub on Amazon.

Click here for the link on Amazon.


    b. Tiger Balm Ultra Strength: My #1 Tiger Balm Favorite

Active Ingredients: Menthol 11% / Camphor 11%.

Other Ingredients that contribute to the overall numbing power are: Cajeput Oil (similar to Tea Tree Oil), Cassia Oil (cinnamon oil), and Clove Oil.

What I like about it:  Tiger Balm Ultra Strength (unlike lotions) is a thick balm/ointment making it more waterproof helping it to stay put and last longer. And I really love the cinnamon/menthol scent! Sounds terrible but somehow it works nicely.

You can choose between a 1.7oz (50g) Tin or a 0.63oz (18g) Jar.

Also, the Cajeput, Cassia (cinnamon), and Clove Oils not only add to the fragrance but also work to step up the soothing effect which also relieves the itching for a lot longer than anything else I’ve tried.

Click here for the link to the 0.63oz (18g) Jar.

When it comes to the Tin and the Jar, I like them both, I use them both – for different reasons.

The Tin holds more BUT, it’s hard to open which makes me crazy when I’m itchy!  However, it’s a great size when you need more coverage for achy muscles.

The Jar is smaller, and I can open it faster. I have one on my desk and carry one in my bag for quick access, and a tin in my suitcase for use on larger areas like muscles.

Where to find it: I haven’t seen it on the shelves in any of my local grocery stores, Walgreens, Walmart or CVS’s. So far  I’ve been ordering it online from Amazon.


    c. Tiger Balm “Red”: 

Active Ingredients: Menthol 11% / Camphor 11%.

Other Ingredients that contribute to the overall numbing power are: Cajeput Oil (similar to Tea Tree Oil), Cassia Oil (cinnamon oil), and Clove Oil.

It contains everything that’s in the “Ultra Strength” above, but it has a kind of orangish-red color from the cinnamon which can stain your clothing. I don’t use this one at all but wanted to mention it.  

Where to find it: I haven’t seen it on the shelves in any of my local grocery stores, Walgreens, Walmart or CVS’s. So far  I’ve been ordering it online from Amazon.

Click here for the link to the Tiger Balm Red version 0.63oz (18g) Jar


3. Thai White Balm Monkey Holding Peach (that’s really its name) from Thailand

Active Ingredients: 19% Menthol / 3% Methyl Salicylate / 22% Camphor.

Other ingredients include Eucalyptus Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Clove Oil. These also boost the numbing effect and lasts quite a while.

Monkey Holding Peach duo-pack 18gm Jar and small 8g Tin

What I like about it:  I tried this one and I really like it. It’s super strong and stopped the itching fast! It comes in a small 0.28oz (8g) Tin for your pocket or purse,  and a in a small 0.63oz (18g) Jar and runs about $13 for at the link below for the duo-pack.

Where to find it: Again, I’ve only been able to find it on Amazon.

Click here for the link to White Monkey Holding Peach Balm


The Bottom Line

No matter which muscle reliever you choose for mosquito bites, make sure it includes enough Menthol, Camphor, Clove (or whatever you prefer), to numb the skin.

These ingredients will calm that miserable itch long enough for the mosquito bite to fade on its own. Yay!

And as a bonus, you’ll also have a great muscle reliever on hand for those other moments when life throws pain at you.

Stay Safe and Itch-Free this Summer! 

Views: 35

Why Go Gluten-Free? How it Can Affect our Health

Why Go Gluten-Free? How it Can Affect our Health

What is Gluten?


We hear so much about it but what is it really?

Gluten is the protein found in flour, wheat, rye, sauces, and starches, but it’s a major dietary issue for millions of people around the world. Whether you have celiac disease, digestive problems or joint pain, a gluten-free diet may be what you need to live a healthier life. A health care professional can help you identify gluten sensitivity before you cut it out from your diet completely.

Where Gluten is Found:

  • Wheat, rye, barley and some oats
  • Processed foods of all kinds (unless it’s gluten-free) including chips, crackers, sandwiches, cookies, meat products, fish, ice cream and breads
  • Anything that contains additives or preservatives
  • Pasta, alcohol, candy, French fries, beer, pie, cakes, soup, salad dressings (unless marked gluten-free) vegetable sauce, and lunch meats
  • ANY foods that include the statement “may contain wheat”


Top Reasons to Go Gluten-Free

  • Going gluten-free promotes a healthier lifestyle.
  • It helps those suffering from celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that makes the body unable to process and digest fat properly.
  • Gluten-free is a good dietary choice for irritable bowel syndrome, wheat allergies, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, anemia, and both type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • If you suffer from chronic fatigue, constipation, painful bowel movements, gas, joint pain, dental issues (e.g., stripped enamel) or have a history of miscarriages, those are indications a gluten-free diet may be better for you.
  • Gluten-free eating can help certain people with restore health, improve mental clarity and enjoy a pain-free body.
  • Eliminating gluten from your diet can help you to shed those unwanted pounds.
  • Cutting out gluten can help to decrease the hard work and pressure currently put on your digestive system.
  • You may see better skin, a leaner physique and stronger defense against illness.

How to Easily Go Gluten-Free

  • Health food stores now have many gluten-free brands! You can still enjoy pizza, bread, deli meat and cookies.
  • Trade out any cereal containing malt or bran for corn or rice-based varieties.
  • Swap regular pasta for rice noodles
  • Become an expert at reading labels. Look for anything that claims to have wheat or wheat products, malt, rye, etc.
  • Many crackers won’t be gluten-free, but thankfully popcorn is.
  • Plan ahead to prepare gluten-free recipes at home, and bring them along to work for lunch.

Gluten-Free Foods That Taste Great

  • Eat potatoes, rice, eggs, chickpeas, legumes, fresh fruit and vegetables, unprocessed meats (including seafood), cheese, dried fruit, olive oil and nuts.
  • Freely use jam, jelly, and honey for something sweet to eat
  • Drink tea or fresh-squeezed orange juice.
  • Enjoy water with apple, watermelon or cucumber slices.
  • Dairy products are allowed – just limit your consumption to one 8-ounce glass a day.
  • Instead of grains, go with soy, cornmeal, flaxseed, chia seeds, quinoa, arrowroot, buckwheat, teff (an ancient grain from Ethiopia that comprises the staple grain of their cuisines) and tapioca.
  • Rather than breaded and fried meats, coat them with coconut oil and seasoning before baking or grilling.

The Bottom Line

Cutting gluten out of your meals can help cure your abdominal and digestive problems, not to mention solve your skin disorders (even when it is hereditary!).

Think of gluten-free not as a diet, but as a lifestyle, and it will become a manageable and healthy way to live your life. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist to see if gluten-free is the best meal plan for you.


Views: 59

Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food? The Many Benefits of Coconut

Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food? The Many Benefits of Coconut

Coconut oil isn’t just for your skin and hair.


Considered one of the new super foods, coconut oil is known to have hundreds of uses: in the kitchen, for your skin, your hair, and even your pets!


The Benefits of Coconut Oil

  • Studies have shown that people living in tropical climates (where coconut was readily available) who consumed the meat as well as the oil had less heart disease, slimmer physiques and a longer average life span.
  • Coconut oil improves thyroid function, metabolism and liver function.
  • Studies show that moderate or high amounts of coconut oil helped lower cholesterol.
  • A 1987 study concluded that coconut oil protected the body against cancer better than unsaturated oils.
  • It can improve digestion, water retention, and blood flow and decrease risk of blood clots.

Great for Your Skin, Teeth, and Overall Hygiene!

  • Coconut oil’s many uses include being anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-viral.
  • Use all over your body as a moisturizer
  • Can be used as a toothpaste mixture using coconut oil, water and baking soda.
  • It can be a soothing treatment for eczema when smoothed on affected areas.
  • Excellent as massage oil. Use as is or with a drop or two of your favorite essential oil.
  • Apply before shaving to minimize cuts and scrapes.
  • Mix with cornstarch and baking soda for a natural deodorant!
  • Smooth on to relieve nipple pain from breastfeeding.
  • Try a little coconut oil on bug bites and feel the relief.

Promotes Wellness and Total Health

  • Use coconut oil alone as aromatherapy. Massage the coconut oil onto your temples, or the inner part of your wrist, and seek relief from its nutty, earthy scent.
  • Children who get frequent nosebleeds can find relief in coconut oil. Bleeding can arise when the inner nostrils get dry, cracked and bleeding. Apply coconut oil once or twice daily to prevent dryness.
  • To boost up bodybuilding or lean down, coconut oil when used to cook with can boost metabolism and help proteins support muscle mass.
  • Studies have shown that coconut oil helps relieve irritable bowel syndrome.

Cooking with Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil can be used instead of butter when making omelets, stir fry, casseroles or pastries.
  • Spread a tablespoon on toast instead of butter.
  • Use in a protein shake or fruit smoothie. In its natural form, coconut oil is thick BUT will melt in a matter of seconds so if you use the stove top to melt it in a pan be sure to use the low setting so it doesn’t scald or burn. Microwaving is not recommended – way too hot!  Once melted add it to your favorite protein shake, fruit smoothie, or whatever you want.
  • The perfect natural insect repellent: peppermint oil and coconut oil.
  • Scar healing – Apply to the area to speed up the healing process.
  • Use as a natural ointment for painful back, neck and joint discomfort/soreness.

Pet Health

  • Dogs and cats LOVE coconut oil! Improve your pet’s health by adding a teaspoon to their food or water bowl to support their digestive systems, kidneys, skin and fur. They’ll think it’s a treat!
  • Coconut oil makes pill taking so much easier! It’s a great way to get those tricky capsules or pills into your cat or dog. Just hide the pill or capsule in a big glob of the thick coconut oil and pop it down the back of their throat. Immediately let them lick off what’s left on your fingers triggering the swallow reflex. They’re so busy licking the coconut off of you that they didn’t realize they just got a pill! You’ll never have problems giving them pills again!
  • Perfect for rubbing on doggy’s dry lips. Sometimes the corners of a dog’s lips get crusty. Gently massage it into the dry areas. Of course the dog will lick their lips but in doing so the crusty stuff will come off. Plus, it’s totally safe for the dog to eat!

The Bottom Line

Coconut oil isn’t just for silkier hair and softer skin. For increased health, wellness and in a preventive diet, you can use coconut oil in nearly every area of your life! It’s yet another super food that you can enjoy the delicious taste of every day.  

Views: 45

What are the Pros and Cons of a Paleo Diet?

What are the Pros and Cons of a Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet is also known as the “Caveman Diet” and the “Stone Age Diet”.


Paleo consists of anything that was found two million years ago – meat, seafood, berries, nuts, seeds, water, and vegetables.

Fortunately, today’s version has a lot more variety than back then (yay!) but the basic principles are still the same… natural, organic, clean.

Before our ancestors began to farm (roughly 10,000 to 2 million years ago) they foraged all their food and ate whatever they had the means to spear, capture, and cook.

To follow a Paleo diet, is to eat foods closer to those of our hunter and gather ancestors during the Paleolithic Era. The Paleo diet along with moderate exercise can detox your body, help you to lose weight, and improve your overall health.

Here are a few specifics of this popular diet – including some pros and cons – to help you to decide if you should be eating what your ancestors did.

There are many really great Paleo recipes out now days that are crazy delicious, so keep in mind that the following lists are by no means complete and are only an example of what to expect.



Off-limits Foods Include:

– No processed foods like bread, crackers, chips, and cookies.

– No pastries like cakes, cookies.

– No foods that contain salt or whole grains.

– No dairy.


Allowed Foods Include:

– Great protein sources you can eat on a Paleo diet include:

– Meats: seafood, beef, bison, deer, moose, rabbit, chicken, wild turkey, salmon, cod, shrimp, tilapia, halibut, tuna, and eggs.

– Vegetables: lettuce, kale, spinach, broccoli, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.

– Fruits: strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, avocado, oranges, kiwi, grapes, coconut, mango, lime, and lemons are allowed

– A lot of flavor in Paleo recipes comes from seeds, mushrooms, nuts, spices, and herbs.


Pros & Cons of the Paleo Diet:

Pro – A Paleo diet is full of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates, which will allow you to feel full for a longer period of time. It aids in digestion and helps you to lose weight more quickly than your regular diet ever could.

Con – Studies show difficulty for beginners to completely stop using sugar, dairy and fatty meats. With persistence your body will begin to crave more healthy foods rather than the sugar it once did.


Pro – Because the Paleo diet doesn’t allow for added sugar, sodium or dairy, those very restrictions will promote successful weight loss once you get used to (and stick with) the plan.

Con – Athletes burn off more energy than our ancestors did. Scientists doubt that the Paleo diet can fulfill an active person’s nutritional requirements.


Pro – Eating whole foods will be released slowly in your blood stream, which gives you steady energy throughout your day.

Con – Cost. Buying free-range eggs, grass-fed chicken and organic fruits and vegetables can cost more than other foods; therefore, the diet can be a bit more expensive.


Pro – When you buy free-range eggs, and grass-fed chicken and beef, you are not only supporting your own health but also the health and wellbeing of the animals that you are eating. Stress-free chickens are happier chickens. Happier chickens lay better eggs.

Pro – Eating organic fruits and vegetables means that no pesticides are used in growing them. It is also an excellent way to support the local farmers that take the extra care and expense to do it right – a trend that is continuing to grow.

Con – Unprocessed foods such as whole foods aren’t always available when you need them. Processed foods are cheaper and more convenient to purchase and prepare than fresh vegetables and raw meats.


Pro – More grocery stores are carrying a wider variety of organic fruits and vegetables as well as hormone-free and antibiotic-free meats. Because the public is demanding more transparency in how the animals were raised and how the vegetables are grown, many savvy grocery store owners are beginning to jump on this healthy trend and are offering more selections.

Con – You need calcium for strong bones, and a caveman diet doesn’t allow you to have dairy, a common calcium-rich dietary staple.


Pro – Calcium can be found in a variety of leafy vegetables like: Collard Greens, Spinach, Turnip Greens, Kale, Mustard Greens, Beet Greens, Bok Choy, Okra, Swiss Chard, and Broccoli.



The Bottom Line

The Paleo Diet can give you a great start to your healthy lifestyle. The foods that it includes are full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will help you feel better long-term.

As with any diet, it requires patience to adapt to the new food options, and there will be a learning curve in making it work best for your lifestyle in a way that you can sustain. Today there are loads of incredible recipes to prepare foods that our ancestors couldn’t even fathom back then.

Be sure to check back often for our upcoming section on delicious Paleo recipes and cooking tips!

Views: 57

Using Fragrance for a Peaceful Atmosphere and Happy Vibe

Using Fragrance for a Peaceful Atmosphere and Happy Vibe

Creating different moods in your home is easy with carefully chosen scents.


Whether it’s in a candle, incense, or aroma sticks, scents can have invigorating or calming effects on the entire household.

When deciding what type of atmosphere you’re looking to create, choose your scent based on the age-old science of aromatherapy.

If you just need to kick back, bathe away your stress, or simply meditate then Lavender, Sandalwood or Vanilla could be exactly what you need. But if you’re having a fall or winter party you’ll want something bold like cinnamon or clove for a warm inviting feeling. For a summer party, perhaps a bright scent like lemon or pineapple to keep your guests happy and chatty.


Keep the following basic essential oils on hand.

You can also find candles or aroma sticks that include these essential oils in their list of ingredients.


Breathe in this calming scent and prepare to drift off into a calm, meditative state. Be careful when using lavender scented candles; you may find yourself closing your eyes and falling into a deep sleep. This is never a good idea when a fire is burning in your room – even a small one atop the wick of your candle. Therefore, to achieve the calming effects of the scented candle and still stay safe, burn your lavender candle an hour before bedtime. Snuff it out before you climb into bed. Relax and enjoy the calm.


These leaves are good for more than a koala bear’s diet. Eucalyptus is a strong minty scent that helps lessen muscle tension, clear the sinuses and bring about an all-around feeling of alertness. It is often overwhelming in large doses, but in smaller amounts, it can be just the scent you need to feel renewed.


The smell of Peppermint is invigorating and makes one feel refreshed. Studies have shown that students who chew peppermint flavored gum before a test get higher scores. Light scented candles infused with peppermint while you re studying for that next term paper.


Decrease your stress level and make any room smell squeaky clean by lighting some scented candles or aroma sticks infused with essential lemon oil.


Think Zen. This ancient aromatherapy favorite lends a sweet, woodsy scent to the room, bringing those who inhale it closer to the earth and thus closer to true fulfillment.


Bring back visions of home by lighting a vanilla scented candle. A sweet reminder of happy days, vanilla delights the senses. Imagine warm sugar cookies baking in an oven, and you have a good idea of the aroma a quality scented vanilla candle exudes. Make sure you do not pair your vanilla candle with one that is designed to invigorate if you are looking to wind down after a tough day.

Those are just a few of the basic scents to start your essential oil collection with. There are many more on the market today to choose from including loads of designer blends  to cover all of your changing moods.

Watch for more posts regarding the power of fragrance coming soon!

Views: 61

10 Quick Reasons Why Kale is Part of a Healthy Diet.

10 Quick Reasons Why Kale is Part of a Healthy Diet.

Kale has become the biggest buzzword of all the super foods.


What can you really gain from eating Kale? AND, is it any better than spinach or other vegetables? Here’s the low-down on this leafy green.


1. Kale is Fantastic for Weight Loss

  • Known as the queen of greens, kale is full of fiber and antioxidants.
  • Use it in place of lettuce, or add it to your morning smoothie, to get in a few weekly servings, and you can more easily shed the weight and keep it off.
  • One cup of this leafy green contains 0 grams of fat, 5 grams of fiber and only 36 calories.

2. Kale is Full of Antioxidants

  • It contains flavonoids and carotenoids that can allow your body to fight off cancer and other illnesses more productively.
  • Boost your weakened immune system with a cup full of kale several times a week for optimal strength. Not only is it good in salad, but you can sauté it with olive oil and light seasoning for a healthy side dish.

3. Kale Will Help You Get Enough Calcium

  • Kale helps you to fight off osteoporosis and maintain cell health and function.
  • With each cup of kale you consume, you’ll get 10% of your daily recommended calcium intake.

4. Kale Helps Protect You from Various Cancers

  • Kale is rich in anticancer compounds, and when digested regularly it has the ability to fight off deadly cancers, in particular colon cancer.
  • Phytonutrients that kale gives you will help improve your eyesight and hearing, as well as combat cancer.

5. Kale Can Help Improve Your Liver Health

  • Eat three serving of kale a week to improve your metabolism.
  • Studies have shown that eating kale, which is also rich in sulfur, several times a week can help your body efficiently rid itself of toxins and chemicals.

6. Kale is High in Fiber

  • Fiber can help improve your digestion. When you eat kale, you metabolize food optimally.
  • The fiber in kale will keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time, making it a fundamental contributor to your future weight loss.

7. Kale Works Well as Part of Any Meal

  • A diverse green, it works well with sandwiches, salads, pasta, pizza and served with roasted vegetables as an appetizer or even main dish.
  • Enjoy baked kale chips for a dose of anti-cancer fighting minerals that you can enjoy any time you need a simple snack.

8. Kale is Great in a Detoxifying Juice!

  • Add a handful of kale to your apple, pineapple and spinach juice, and you’ll have an unstoppable brain boost to keep you going all day long.
  • Mix kale along with spinach, carrots, ginger, apples, and strawberries in a blender to feel instantly energized.

9. Kale is an Anti-Inflammatory Vegetable

  • Works as the perfect food for anyone at risk for arthritis, allergies or asthma.
  • Studies have shown that one cup of kale a day can help fight off autoimmune diseases and can aid in painful joint discomfort.

10. Kale Makes You Feel Good!

  • It not only supports your body, but kale also has the power to boost your mood.
  • Your digestive system, liver, and kidney work like clockwork when you eat a cup of kale at least several times a week.
  • Eat less, and slim down naturally when you incorporate kale into your diet.

The Bottom Line

Kale is a food with real super powers. It allows you to achieve your weight-loss goals more easily and helps you fight off toxins and illness due to containing a ton of necessary nutrients.

Eat kale at least three times a week, and become a stronger and healthier you!

Views: 141