Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food? The Many Benefits of Coconut

Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food? The Many Benefits of Coconut

Coconut oil isn’t just for your skin and hair.


Considered one of the new super foods, coconut oil is known to have hundreds of uses: in the kitchen, for your skin, your hair, and even your pets!


The Benefits of Coconut Oil

  • Studies have shown that people living in tropical climates (where coconut was readily available) who consumed the meat as well as the oil had less heart disease, slimmer physiques and a longer average life span.
  • Coconut oil improves thyroid function, metabolism and liver function.
  • Studies show that moderate or high amounts of coconut oil helped lower cholesterol.
  • A 1987 study concluded that coconut oil protected the body against cancer better than unsaturated oils.
  • It can improve digestion, water retention, and blood flow and decrease risk of blood clots.

Great for Your Skin, Teeth, and Overall Hygiene!

  • Coconut oil’s many uses include being anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-viral.
  • Use all over your body as a moisturizer
  • Can be used as a toothpaste mixture using coconut oil, water and baking soda.
  • It can be a soothing treatment for eczema when smoothed on affected areas.
  • Excellent as massage oil. Use as is or with a drop or two of your favorite essential oil.
  • Apply before shaving to minimize cuts and scrapes.
  • Mix with cornstarch and baking soda for a natural deodorant!
  • Smooth on to relieve nipple pain from breastfeeding.
  • Try a little coconut oil on bug bites and feel the relief.

Promotes Wellness and Total Health

  • Use coconut oil alone as aromatherapy. Massage the coconut oil onto your temples, or the inner part of your wrist, and seek relief from its nutty, earthy scent.
  • Children who get frequent nosebleeds can find relief in coconut oil. Bleeding can arise when the inner nostrils get dry, cracked and bleeding. Apply coconut oil once or twice daily to prevent dryness.
  • To boost up bodybuilding or lean down, coconut oil when used to cook with can boost metabolism and help proteins support muscle mass.
  • Studies have shown that coconut oil helps relieve irritable bowel syndrome.

Cooking with Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil can be used instead of butter when making omelets, stir fry, casseroles or pastries.
  • Spread a tablespoon on toast instead of butter.
  • Use in a protein shake or fruit smoothie. In its natural form, coconut oil is thick BUT will melt in a matter of seconds so if you use the stove top to melt it in a pan be sure to use the low setting so it doesn’t scald or burn. Microwaving is not recommended – way too hot!  Once melted add it to your favorite protein shake, fruit smoothie, or whatever you want.
  • The perfect natural insect repellent: peppermint oil and coconut oil.
  • Scar healing – Apply to the area to speed up the healing process.
  • Use as a natural ointment for painful back, neck and joint discomfort/soreness.

Pet Health

  • Dogs and cats LOVE coconut oil! Improve your pet’s health by adding a teaspoon to their food or water bowl to support their digestive systems, kidneys, skin and fur. They’ll think it’s a treat!
  • Coconut oil makes pill taking so much easier! It’s a great way to get those tricky capsules or pills into your cat or dog. Just hide the pill or capsule in a big glob of the thick coconut oil and pop it down the back of their throat. Immediately let them lick off what’s left on your fingers triggering the swallow reflex. They’re so busy licking the coconut off of you that they didn’t realize they just got a pill! You’ll never have problems giving them pills again!
  • Perfect for rubbing on doggy’s dry lips. Sometimes the corners of a dog’s lips get crusty. Gently massage it into the dry areas. Of course the dog will lick their lips but in doing so the crusty stuff will come off. Plus, it’s totally safe for the dog to eat!

The Bottom Line

Coconut oil isn’t just for silkier hair and softer skin. For increased health, wellness and in a preventive diet, you can use coconut oil in nearly every area of your life! It’s yet another super food that you can enjoy the delicious taste of every day.  

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