Summer is in Full Swing and so are the Mosquitos!


Mosquitos have always been the norm here in Minnesota due to the thousands of lakes and thick, lush plant life. It truly IS a paradise for these annoying little bloodsuckers.

The old joke around here is that the mosquito is actually our state bird. Thankfully they’re not as big as birds – yikes! At least you can see a bird coming but we sure can’t say that about mosquitos.

There’s no question about it being a worldwide problem. To combat the issue, many cities and local townships have a truck that slowly drives around the neighborhoods (usually late at night) spraying for mosquitos. I’ve already seen the trucks several times in my neighborhood, and I’ve got to say it does help bring their population down.

To be realistic, eradicating them completely will probably never happen. Our best defense at present is to use repellant on our bodies and spray the neighborhoods. There are bug zappers, fly swatters, citronella coils and citronella plants to name a few, that help to stave them off, but they only go so far.

In the meantime we’ll still get bit and when we do, how can we relieve the inevitable itch that  follows?  There’s only so much that can be done after the fact – like trying not to scratch! Yeah right.


Why Do Mosquito Bites Make Us Itchy?


Why does it itch when we get bit by a mosquito? Here’s what I found out:

When a mosquito bites us, it introduces their saliva into the skin. Mosquito saliva interferes with the blood’s ability to form clots. When there is no clotting, it allows a mosquito to feed uninterrupted.

Their saliva contains proteins that provoke a reaction from our immune system and in turn, our system responds by releasing histamines. These chemical messengers summon white blood cells to the affected area resulting in the typical itching sensation associated with mosquito bites.

I never used to be as allergic to mosquito bites as I am now. I don’t know if it’s me or if the mosquitos have become more powerful.

When I was younger and got bit by a mosquito, a small itchy little bump would appear. But now, those “little bumps” can get quite large! Most times, they’ll swell up fairly quick to the size of a large grape cut in half (without scratching).

And other bites, well… check it out.

Left: My Normal Hand / Right: My Hand after a Mosquito Bite.


If I scratch, the effects of the insect’s saliva tends to spread out and therefore that little bump becomes much bigger.

Of course it makes sense not to scratch – if only that were possible.


What Works to Quickly Calm the Itch of a Mosquito Bite?


In the past, the only thing I could use was my best Jedi mind tricks on them hoping that the “mind over matter” thing would work – uh, nope.

I’ve tried the classic itch reliever “Calamine Lotion”, but it left a coating on my skin that got on everything. Plus, it was rubbed off too easily by my clothing and it didn’t really help me out that much. I even reapplied it hoping to ease the itching. It was… ok. I had to find something better.

That’s when I started checking out different lotions and salves used for sore muscles and compared the numbing ingredients in each. Most of these products mention that they can also be used for bug bites, but not all of them contain enough of the right ingredients.

One note, as with any of these, it may need to be reapplied (depending on the power of the mosquito bite) to keep the itch at bay. But they work great by quickly bringing relief!



My 3 Favorite Itch/Muscle Relieving Product Lines


1. Icy Hot

Icy Hot Original in the Tube:

Active Ingredients: Menthol 10% / Methyl Salicylate 30%

Early on in my bug bite research I happened to have some “Icy Hot” lotion in my medicine cabinet and thought I’d give it a try.

It had quite a bit of Menthol and Methyl Salicylate in it (ingredients that numbs the skin and muscles) and it worked really well. It did seem to fade fairly quickly but I think that’s because it’s light “lotion” as opposed to a “balm” which is thicker.

Icy Hot has a few different options: a cream, a balm, and one that has Lidocaine in it. I haven’t tried the Balm or the Lidocaine versions, so I didn’t include them below.

You’ll most likely need to reapply it once or twice when it starts to get itchy again, but it does give good relief. And, it’s in a handy tube.

Where to find it: Icy Hot Original can be found for around $6 at most grocery stores, Amazon, Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, etc.


2. Tiger Balm Product Line

    a. Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub:

Active Ingredients: Menthol10% / Camphor 11%

Other Ingredients include Lavender and Eucalyptus which contribute nicely to the fragrance.

I like this creamy lotion a lot. It works great on my bug bites and is wonderful for my sore muscles and joints.

The Lavender gives it has a sort of floral fragrance mixed with Eucalyptus and the Menthol.  I like that it rubs into my skin without leaving any surface residue or oils.

It come in a tube so it’s easy to throw in your bag to have handy when bugs attack or even when your muscles start to ache while on the road.

Where to find it: I found Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub on Amazon.

Click here for the link on Amazon.


    b. Tiger Balm Ultra Strength: My #1 Tiger Balm Favorite

Active Ingredients: Menthol 11% / Camphor 11%.

Other Ingredients that contribute to the overall numbing power are: Cajeput Oil (similar to Tea Tree Oil), Cassia Oil (cinnamon oil), and Clove Oil.

What I like about it:  Tiger Balm Ultra Strength (unlike lotions) is a thick balm/ointment making it more waterproof helping it to stay put and last longer. And I really love the cinnamon/menthol scent! Sounds terrible but somehow it works nicely.

You can choose between a 1.7oz (50g) Tin or a 0.63oz (18g) Jar.

Also, the Cajeput, Cassia (cinnamon), and Clove Oils not only add to the fragrance but also work to step up the soothing effect which also relieves the itching for a lot longer than anything else I’ve tried.

Click here for the link to the 0.63oz (18g) Jar.

When it comes to the Tin and the Jar, I like them both, I use them both – for different reasons.

The Tin holds more BUT, it’s hard to open which makes me crazy when I’m itchy!  However, it’s a great size when you need more coverage for achy muscles.

The Jar is smaller, and I can open it faster. I have one on my desk and carry one in my bag for quick access, and a tin in my suitcase for use on larger areas like muscles.

Where to find it: I haven’t seen it on the shelves in any of my local grocery stores, Walgreens, Walmart or CVS’s. So far  I’ve been ordering it online from Amazon.


    c. Tiger Balm “Red”: 

Active Ingredients: Menthol 11% / Camphor 11%.

Other Ingredients that contribute to the overall numbing power are: Cajeput Oil (similar to Tea Tree Oil), Cassia Oil (cinnamon oil), and Clove Oil.

It contains everything that’s in the “Ultra Strength” above, but it has a kind of orangish-red color from the cinnamon which can stain your clothing. I don’t use this one at all but wanted to mention it.  

Where to find it: I haven’t seen it on the shelves in any of my local grocery stores, Walgreens, Walmart or CVS’s. So far  I’ve been ordering it online from Amazon.

Click here for the link to the Tiger Balm Red version 0.63oz (18g) Jar


3. Thai White Balm Monkey Holding Peach (that’s really its name) from Thailand

Active Ingredients: 19% Menthol / 3% Methyl Salicylate / 22% Camphor.

Other ingredients include Eucalyptus Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Clove Oil. These also boost the numbing effect and lasts quite a while.

Monkey Holding Peach duo-pack 18gm Jar and small 8g Tin

What I like about it:  I tried this one and I really like it. It’s super strong and stopped the itching fast! It comes in a small 0.28oz (8g) Tin for your pocket or purse,  and a in a small 0.63oz (18g) Jar and runs about $13 for at the link below for the duo-pack.

Where to find it: Again, I’ve only been able to find it on Amazon.

Click here for the link to White Monkey Holding Peach Balm


The Bottom Line

No matter which muscle reliever you choose for mosquito bites, make sure it includes enough Menthol, Camphor, Clove (or whatever you prefer), to numb the skin.

These ingredients will calm that miserable itch long enough for the mosquito bite to fade on its own. Yay!

And as a bonus, you’ll also have a great muscle reliever on hand for those other moments when life throws pain at you.

Stay Safe and Itch-Free this Summer! 

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