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12 Edible Flowers

12 Edible Flowers

Cooking with flowers is a delightful way to add a touch of fun and flair to your recipes. Create new flavorful and visual experiences when you add lavender to bread or dandelions to salad. There are a lot of delicious flowers that can be used in dishes as both a...

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5 Foods That Fight Stress

5 Foods That Fight Stress

Busy schedules, work deadlines, and other environmental factors promote stress and reduce the natural defenses of the body. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to combat stress. Healthy eating has a positive effect in reducing stress in a natural and effective way....

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5 Calming Herbal Teas

5 Calming Herbal Teas

The stresses of daily life can sure take a toll. Sometimes I just need to take a break and reboot my mind back to factory settings. Whether it’s taking a mental break, calming my frazzled nerves, or getting some much needed sleep, a nice cup of the right...

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Why Go Gluten-Free?

Why Go Gluten-Free?

What is gluten? We hear so much about it but what is it really?Gluten is the protein found in flour, wheat, rye, sauces, and starches, but it’s a major dietary issue for millions of people around the world. Whether you have celiac disease, digestive...

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Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food?

Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food?

Coconut oil isn’t just for replenishing your skin or moisturizing your hair. Considered one of the new super foods, coconut oil is known to have hundreds of uses: in the kitchen, for your skin, your hair, and even your pets! Benefits of Coconut OilStudies...

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