Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food? The Many Benefits of Coconut

Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food? The Many Benefits of Coconut

Coconut oil isn’t just for your skin and hair.


Considered one of the new super foods, coconut oil is known to have hundreds of uses: in the kitchen, for your skin, your hair, and even your pets!


The Benefits of Coconut Oil

  • Studies have shown that people living in tropical climates (where coconut was readily available) who consumed the meat as well as the oil had less heart disease, slimmer physiques and a longer average life span.
  • Coconut oil improves thyroid function, metabolism and liver function.
  • Studies show that moderate or high amounts of coconut oil helped lower cholesterol.
  • A 1987 study concluded that coconut oil protected the body against cancer better than unsaturated oils.
  • It can improve digestion, water retention, and blood flow and decrease risk of blood clots.

Great for Your Skin, Teeth, and Overall Hygiene!

  • Coconut oil’s many uses include being anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-viral.
  • Use all over your body as a moisturizer
  • Can be used as a toothpaste mixture using coconut oil, water and baking soda.
  • It can be a soothing treatment for eczema when smoothed on affected areas.
  • Excellent as massage oil. Use as is or with a drop or two of your favorite essential oil.
  • Apply before shaving to minimize cuts and scrapes.
  • Mix with cornstarch and baking soda for a natural deodorant!
  • Smooth on to relieve nipple pain from breastfeeding.
  • Try a little coconut oil on bug bites and feel the relief.

Promotes Wellness and Total Health

  • Use coconut oil alone as aromatherapy. Massage the coconut oil onto your temples, or the inner part of your wrist, and seek relief from its nutty, earthy scent.
  • Children who get frequent nosebleeds can find relief in coconut oil. Bleeding can arise when the inner nostrils get dry, cracked and bleeding. Apply coconut oil once or twice daily to prevent dryness.
  • To boost up bodybuilding or lean down, coconut oil when used to cook with can boost metabolism and help proteins support muscle mass.
  • Studies have shown that coconut oil helps relieve irritable bowel syndrome.

Cooking with Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil can be used instead of butter when making omelets, stir fry, casseroles or pastries.
  • Spread a tablespoon on toast instead of butter.
  • Use in a protein shake or fruit smoothie. In its natural form, coconut oil is thick BUT will melt in a matter of seconds so if you use the stove top to melt it in a pan be sure to use the low setting so it doesn’t scald or burn. Microwaving is not recommended – way too hot!  Once melted add it to your favorite protein shake, fruit smoothie, or whatever you want.
  • The perfect natural insect repellent: peppermint oil and coconut oil.
  • Scar healing – Apply to the area to speed up the healing process.
  • Use as a natural ointment for painful back, neck and joint discomfort/soreness.

Pet Health

  • Dogs and cats LOVE coconut oil! Improve your pet’s health by adding a teaspoon to their food or water bowl to support their digestive systems, kidneys, skin and fur. They’ll think it’s a treat!
  • Coconut oil makes pill taking so much easier! It’s a great way to get those tricky capsules or pills into your cat or dog. Just hide the pill or capsule in a big glob of the thick coconut oil and pop it down the back of their throat. Immediately let them lick off what’s left on your fingers triggering the swallow reflex. They’re so busy licking the coconut off of you that they didn’t realize they just got a pill! You’ll never have problems giving them pills again!
  • Perfect for rubbing on doggy’s dry lips. Sometimes the corners of a dog’s lips get crusty. Gently massage it into the dry areas. Of course the dog will lick their lips but in doing so the crusty stuff will come off. Plus, it’s totally safe for the dog to eat!

The Bottom Line

Coconut oil isn’t just for silkier hair and softer skin. For increased health, wellness and in a preventive diet, you can use coconut oil in nearly every area of your life! It’s yet another super food that you can enjoy the delicious taste of every day.  

Views: 45

What are the Pros and Cons of a Paleo Diet?

What are the Pros and Cons of a Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet is also known as the “Caveman Diet” and the “Stone Age Diet”.


Paleo consists of anything that was found two million years ago – meat, seafood, berries, nuts, seeds, water, and vegetables.

Fortunately, today’s version has a lot more variety than back then (yay!) but the basic principles are still the same… natural, organic, clean.

Before our ancestors began to farm (roughly 10,000 to 2 million years ago) they foraged all their food and ate whatever they had the means to spear, capture, and cook.

To follow a Paleo diet, is to eat foods closer to those of our hunter and gather ancestors during the Paleolithic Era. The Paleo diet along with moderate exercise can detox your body, help you to lose weight, and improve your overall health.

Here are a few specifics of this popular diet – including some pros and cons – to help you to decide if you should be eating what your ancestors did.

There are many really great Paleo recipes out now days that are crazy delicious, so keep in mind that the following lists are by no means complete and are only an example of what to expect.



Off-limits Foods Include:

– No processed foods like bread, crackers, chips, and cookies.

– No pastries like cakes, cookies.

– No foods that contain salt or whole grains.

– No dairy.


Allowed Foods Include:

– Great protein sources you can eat on a Paleo diet include:

– Meats: seafood, beef, bison, deer, moose, rabbit, chicken, wild turkey, salmon, cod, shrimp, tilapia, halibut, tuna, and eggs.

– Vegetables: lettuce, kale, spinach, broccoli, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.

– Fruits: strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, avocado, oranges, kiwi, grapes, coconut, mango, lime, and lemons are allowed

– A lot of flavor in Paleo recipes comes from seeds, mushrooms, nuts, spices, and herbs.


Pros & Cons of the Paleo Diet:

Pro – A Paleo diet is full of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates, which will allow you to feel full for a longer period of time. It aids in digestion and helps you to lose weight more quickly than your regular diet ever could.

Con – Studies show difficulty for beginners to completely stop using sugar, dairy and fatty meats. With persistence your body will begin to crave more healthy foods rather than the sugar it once did.


Pro – Because the Paleo diet doesn’t allow for added sugar, sodium or dairy, those very restrictions will promote successful weight loss once you get used to (and stick with) the plan.

Con – Athletes burn off more energy than our ancestors did. Scientists doubt that the Paleo diet can fulfill an active person’s nutritional requirements.


Pro – Eating whole foods will be released slowly in your blood stream, which gives you steady energy throughout your day.

Con – Cost. Buying free-range eggs, grass-fed chicken and organic fruits and vegetables can cost more than other foods; therefore, the diet can be a bit more expensive.


Pro – When you buy free-range eggs, and grass-fed chicken and beef, you are not only supporting your own health but also the health and wellbeing of the animals that you are eating. Stress-free chickens are happier chickens. Happier chickens lay better eggs.

Pro – Eating organic fruits and vegetables means that no pesticides are used in growing them. It is also an excellent way to support the local farmers that take the extra care and expense to do it right – a trend that is continuing to grow.

Con – Unprocessed foods such as whole foods aren’t always available when you need them. Processed foods are cheaper and more convenient to purchase and prepare than fresh vegetables and raw meats.


Pro – More grocery stores are carrying a wider variety of organic fruits and vegetables as well as hormone-free and antibiotic-free meats. Because the public is demanding more transparency in how the animals were raised and how the vegetables are grown, many savvy grocery store owners are beginning to jump on this healthy trend and are offering more selections.

Con – You need calcium for strong bones, and a caveman diet doesn’t allow you to have dairy, a common calcium-rich dietary staple.


Pro – Calcium can be found in a variety of leafy vegetables like: Collard Greens, Spinach, Turnip Greens, Kale, Mustard Greens, Beet Greens, Bok Choy, Okra, Swiss Chard, and Broccoli.



The Bottom Line

The Paleo Diet can give you a great start to your healthy lifestyle. The foods that it includes are full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will help you feel better long-term.

As with any diet, it requires patience to adapt to the new food options, and there will be a learning curve in making it work best for your lifestyle in a way that you can sustain. Today there are loads of incredible recipes to prepare foods that our ancestors couldn’t even fathom back then.

Be sure to check back often for our upcoming section on delicious Paleo recipes and cooking tips!

Views: 57

Using Fragrance for a Peaceful Atmosphere and Happy Vibe

Using Fragrance for a Peaceful Atmosphere and Happy Vibe

Creating different moods in your home is easy with carefully chosen scents.


Whether it’s in a candle, incense, or aroma sticks, scents can have invigorating or calming effects on the entire household.

When deciding what type of atmosphere you’re looking to create, choose your scent based on the age-old science of aromatherapy.

If you just need to kick back, bathe away your stress, or simply meditate then Lavender, Sandalwood or Vanilla could be exactly what you need. But if you’re having a fall or winter party you’ll want something bold like cinnamon or clove for a warm inviting feeling. For a summer party, perhaps a bright scent like lemon or pineapple to keep your guests happy and chatty.


Keep the following basic essential oils on hand.

You can also find candles or aroma sticks that include these essential oils in their list of ingredients.


Breathe in this calming scent and prepare to drift off into a calm, meditative state. Be careful when using lavender scented candles; you may find yourself closing your eyes and falling into a deep sleep. This is never a good idea when a fire is burning in your room – even a small one atop the wick of your candle. Therefore, to achieve the calming effects of the scented candle and still stay safe, burn your lavender candle an hour before bedtime. Snuff it out before you climb into bed. Relax and enjoy the calm.


These leaves are good for more than a koala bear’s diet. Eucalyptus is a strong minty scent that helps lessen muscle tension, clear the sinuses and bring about an all-around feeling of alertness. It is often overwhelming in large doses, but in smaller amounts, it can be just the scent you need to feel renewed.


The smell of Peppermint is invigorating and makes one feel refreshed. Studies have shown that students who chew peppermint flavored gum before a test get higher scores. Light scented candles infused with peppermint while you re studying for that next term paper.


Decrease your stress level and make any room smell squeaky clean by lighting some scented candles or aroma sticks infused with essential lemon oil.


Think Zen. This ancient aromatherapy favorite lends a sweet, woodsy scent to the room, bringing those who inhale it closer to the earth and thus closer to true fulfillment.


Bring back visions of home by lighting a vanilla scented candle. A sweet reminder of happy days, vanilla delights the senses. Imagine warm sugar cookies baking in an oven, and you have a good idea of the aroma a quality scented vanilla candle exudes. Make sure you do not pair your vanilla candle with one that is designed to invigorate if you are looking to wind down after a tough day.

Those are just a few of the basic scents to start your essential oil collection with. There are many more on the market today to choose from including loads of designer blends  to cover all of your changing moods.

Watch for more posts regarding the power of fragrance coming soon!

Views: 60

A Delicious Chocolate, Coconut, Almond Candy Recipe

A Delicious Chocolate, Coconut, Almond Candy Recipe

Make this Yummy Chocolate, Coconut, and Almond Candy with Health Benefits to Boot.


While traditional candy bars are tempting and satisfying, they are too often filled with artificial flavors and preservatives. 

Here’s a chocolate, coconut, almond recipe that sure to satisfy.

BPA-free silicone candy molds are a must for creating candy, and they make serving treats super convenient with no need for slicing.

If you don’t have candy molds, this recipe can also be made in an 8×8 baking pan. Just cover the bottom with wax paper for easy removal.

A dark chocolate base is swapped for traditional milk chocolate, which raises the antioxidant factor. To balance the slight bitterness of dark chocolate, mix some raw honey into the coconut layer.

If you prefer a sweeter chocolate, either start with a semi-sweet dark chocolate and/or stir in a teaspoon or two of honey into the melted chocolate.

Total time: 40 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Servings: 12 Bars


– Mixing Bowl
– 0.5 oz Silicone Candy Molds (BPA-free). Or a 8×8 baking pan.


– 1 cup unsweetened (or semi-sweet) dark chocolate chips
– 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
– 1/3 cup unrefined coconut oil
– 2 Tablespoons raw honey
– 12 almonds, unsalted


– Start by melting chocolate chips in a double boiler until smooth.

– Spoon one teaspoon of chocolate into the candy molds.

– Place in the freezer for five minutes to lightly set. The chocolate should still be slightly pliable so that when you press the coconut layer on top, it forms to the chocolate.

– Reserve the remaining melted chocolate in the bowl for later.

– Combine the unsweetened coconut flakes, raw honey, and melted coconut oil into the mixing bowl, and stir well to moisten. The coconut oil acts like a glue, binding the chocolate and coconut layers.

– Spoon the coconut mixture over the chocolate layer in the molds, and gently but firmly press to form.

– Dip the backs of the almonds into the reserved chocolate, and set one on top of each bar.

– Place back into the freezer for 15 minutes to completely set.

– Pop the bars out of the molds and store in a refrigerator or a dry cool spot.

These healthy, homemade candies are a cinch to whip up in large batches.



Views: 40

The Problem with Too Much Information – Take the Time to Breathe

The Problem with Too Much Information – Take the Time to Breathe

Information is everywhere.


The internet fills our screens 24/7 with anything and everything we can possibly want to know. Then the dreaded “pop ups” pull us off track even further into yet another article that we seem to “have to read right now”. It’s like drinking water from a fire hydrant. Much of it will spill out and be lost.

Everyone is in such a hurry these days trying to do too much with too little time. We live in a “gotta have it now” society and we’re fast-forwarding through our lives while missing the best part – the present moment. Unfortunately our minds and bodies are paying the price from lack of sleep, improper nutrition, and numerous other stresses of living in today’s world.  

Feeling Too Much Stress

One of the main symptoms of information overload is to feel stress. Some people feel like their brain is being bombarded by so much information that it’s as though it comes in one side and goes out the other. This causes people to forget things, which makes the stress build.  

Lack of Confidence

When there is so much contrary information available, it’s hard for people to choose the right course of action. For example, there are numerous reports that spanking is both bad for kids and good for kids. How do you know what information is right and what is wrong, and how do you proceed? The lack of confidence can cause people to not make any choices or feel bad about the choices they make.  

Improper Information Filtering

When too much information is transmitted, the person receiving it often shuts off in a way. Normally the filtering process categorizes information as important or not important, but when there is too much there is often improper filtering called twigging. This essentially means that everything is general and all information is the same.  

Not Knowing What’s Right or Wrong

When there is so much information with seemingly factual studies supporting them, it’s hard to know what’s factually correct or wrong.


Feeling Confused about Common Knowledge

When you don’t know what information is real, what’s right and wrong, and you can’t see the details for the forest, it leads to confusion about things that people generally know to be true about the world.  

Increasing the Fear of Change

When you can’t determine what the information you receive means, it can cause you to fear change because you don’t know if that change is good or bad. Since information overload leads to black and white thinking, this can increase the fear of change that most people have naturally.


Taking on Too Much Too Fast

Sometimes information overload can make people feel as if they can multitask everything and do more than they can. But the truth is, as shown in study after study, humans aren’t designed for multitasking. Check out this Forbes article about multitasking:  Multi-tasking Damages Your Brain and Career New Studies Suggest – Forbes – By Travis Bradberry.


Bottom Line

You can work toward controlling information overload. Limit your exposure to screens and try to focus on what you’re doing at the time you’re doing it. Take 15-20 minute breaks. Avoid multitasking whenever you can especially if it’s necessary to absorb the information at hand properly.


Views: 60

10 Quick Reasons Why Kale is Part of a Healthy Diet.

10 Quick Reasons Why Kale is Part of a Healthy Diet.

Kale has become the biggest buzzword of all the super foods.


What can you really gain from eating Kale? AND, is it any better than spinach or other vegetables? Here’s the low-down on this leafy green.


1. Kale is Fantastic for Weight Loss

  • Known as the queen of greens, kale is full of fiber and antioxidants.
  • Use it in place of lettuce, or add it to your morning smoothie, to get in a few weekly servings, and you can more easily shed the weight and keep it off.
  • One cup of this leafy green contains 0 grams of fat, 5 grams of fiber and only 36 calories.

2. Kale is Full of Antioxidants

  • It contains flavonoids and carotenoids that can allow your body to fight off cancer and other illnesses more productively.
  • Boost your weakened immune system with a cup full of kale several times a week for optimal strength. Not only is it good in salad, but you can sauté it with olive oil and light seasoning for a healthy side dish.

3. Kale Will Help You Get Enough Calcium

  • Kale helps you to fight off osteoporosis and maintain cell health and function.
  • With each cup of kale you consume, you’ll get 10% of your daily recommended calcium intake.

4. Kale Helps Protect You from Various Cancers

  • Kale is rich in anticancer compounds, and when digested regularly it has the ability to fight off deadly cancers, in particular colon cancer.
  • Phytonutrients that kale gives you will help improve your eyesight and hearing, as well as combat cancer.

5. Kale Can Help Improve Your Liver Health

  • Eat three serving of kale a week to improve your metabolism.
  • Studies have shown that eating kale, which is also rich in sulfur, several times a week can help your body efficiently rid itself of toxins and chemicals.

6. Kale is High in Fiber

  • Fiber can help improve your digestion. When you eat kale, you metabolize food optimally.
  • The fiber in kale will keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time, making it a fundamental contributor to your future weight loss.

7. Kale Works Well as Part of Any Meal

  • A diverse green, it works well with sandwiches, salads, pasta, pizza and served with roasted vegetables as an appetizer or even main dish.
  • Enjoy baked kale chips for a dose of anti-cancer fighting minerals that you can enjoy any time you need a simple snack.

8. Kale is Great in a Detoxifying Juice!

  • Add a handful of kale to your apple, pineapple and spinach juice, and you’ll have an unstoppable brain boost to keep you going all day long.
  • Mix kale along with spinach, carrots, ginger, apples, and strawberries in a blender to feel instantly energized.

9. Kale is an Anti-Inflammatory Vegetable

  • Works as the perfect food for anyone at risk for arthritis, allergies or asthma.
  • Studies have shown that one cup of kale a day can help fight off autoimmune diseases and can aid in painful joint discomfort.

10. Kale Makes You Feel Good!

  • It not only supports your body, but kale also has the power to boost your mood.
  • Your digestive system, liver, and kidney work like clockwork when you eat a cup of kale at least several times a week.
  • Eat less, and slim down naturally when you incorporate kale into your diet.

The Bottom Line

Kale is a food with real super powers. It allows you to achieve your weight-loss goals more easily and helps you fight off toxins and illness due to containing a ton of necessary nutrients.

Eat kale at least three times a week, and become a stronger and healthier you!

Views: 141

My Quick “Gluten-Free” Christmas Cookie Experiment

My Quick “Gluten-Free” Christmas Cookie Experiment

Are Gluten-Free Cookies Any Good?

 I had a cookie craving the other night and decided to try a gluten-free sugar cookie recipe.

They turned out great and were really easy to make!


Here’s the recipe:

Preheat Oven: 350 degrees Fahrenheit


Dry Ingredients:

Mix in a medium size bowl

– 3/4 cup Almond Flour

– 1 tbsp Coconut Flour

– 1/3 cup Arrowroot Starch

– 1/4 tsp Salt

– 1/2 tsp Baking Soda


Wet Ingredients:

Mix in a smaller bowl:

– 1/4 cup Maple Syrup

– 1/3 cup Melted Coconut Oil

– 1 tsp Vanilla

– 1 tsp Almond Extract

As you can see in the photo below that I used “Bob’s Red Mill” products. 

I like them because they’re not only high-quality with a huge selection, but they’re also easy to find in most grocery stores. The Vanilla, Coconut Oil, and Maple Syrup are all organic.


Mix “wet ingredients” into the “dry ingredients” in the medium bowl until it is of uniform consistency and can be rolled into a big  ball.


Roll the ball of dough on a sheet of wax paper, using another piece of wax paper  on top of the dough to 1/4 inch thickness.

Then, put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. This will make it easier to cut out the shapes.



I also experimented with some toppings:

Monk Fruit Sweetener

I wanted to use something granular on the top that would help the cookie look and taste more like a traditional sugar cookie.

As it turns out, Monk Fruit Sweetener is much lighter and finer than sugar and immediately melted into the cookie in the heat of the oven.

I thought it would at least have a slight glaze or something on top but nooo, it just sucked it right in.

I do not recommend Monk Fruit Sweetener for this application. It didn’t add anything to the cookies… save it for your tea.



Shredded Coconut (sweetened or unsweetened)

This was a nice addition for both the stars and the trees

For the stars, I gently mashed the cookie into some white coconut on a saucer (like in the Monk fruit picture above) and then transferred it to the baking sheet.

For the trees, I added 1 drop of green food dye into some of the coconut. However, I wasn’t too thrilled with the coconut that I used, it was pretty dry.

Next time I’ll try freshly shredded coconut mixing it into the dough itself as well as using it on top.  I’m hoping the moisture from the fresh coconut will also help to keep the cookie soft longer.



These next two examples I made with the dough scraps left over from the cut-outs.

Roll up 1-inch diameter balls for a quick circular cookie.

Press the ball into the topping and flatten to approximately 1/3-inch thickness.

They’ll cook up to be about 2 inches across.


Cacao Chips

I squished 6 chips onto the top of one test cookie before baking.

Too bad I only made one because it was excellent. My boyfriend has requested that I make more of these – good sign!

Honey Crystals

Love them! The honey crystals kept their primary shape with a slight poofing on the cookie during the cooking process. 

After it cooled it had a nice crunchy texture on top and I really liked the honey flavor. I think this one is my favorite!




Cut out shapes, decorate, and put on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. If you don’t have parchment paper that’s fine too.

Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-12 minutes


A Few Observations:

Regarding Color:

Don’t be surprised that the cookies are a little browner than a normal sugar cookie. This is due to the brownness of the maple syrup as opposed to traditional white sugar which creates a whiter cookie.

If I had thought about it at the time, I would have separated out a bit of the dough and mixed in a drop or two of red food coloring to twist together with some of the plain dough and create colorful candy cane cookies. Green would have been great for the trees too – oh well, maybe next time J

Regarding Flavor:

Although the recipe uses maple syrup as the sweetener the cookies don’t really have a maple taste, but they do have a slight coconutty flavor due to the Coconut oil and Coconut flour which I kinda like!

*One note… make sure your coconut oil isn’t terribly old. Mine had been in my cupboard for quite a while and it tasted kind of stale (so of course I used it anyway – lol).  Luckily the stale flavor did cook off which was great, but next time I will definitely use a new jar.

Regarding Texture:

The texture is a tiny bit grainier than a traditional sugar cookie due to the density of the Almond flour, but I found it a nice change of pace. Obviously, they were best eaten when warm, but they also cooled nicely too. 

I recommend keeping them in a storage tub lined with parchment and plastic wrap.

Future Added Ingredients to Ponder:

– Grated orange peel and a touch of Cinnamon

– Sliced Almonds and Almond extract for an almond cookie

– Cinnamon and Cream of Tartar for Snicker Doodles


Final Conclusion On My Experiment:

I’ve really enjoyed them and my boyfriend finished them – yay!

There you have it. I was pretty happy with the results and can’t wait to play with this recipe more. If you try this recipe let me know how it worked out for you and also if you added any extra goodies to it.


Here’s To Your Good Health and To Your Happiness!

Views: 63