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My Top 7 Culinary Mushroom Recommendations
Add a touch of elegance to everyday meals with culinary mushrooms I absolutely love cooking with mushrooms and I'm not the only one. Mushrooms have been a prized ingredient for their flavors, textures, and versatility in cooking for thousands of years. Since...
Overlooked Remedy for Itchy Mosquito Bites
Summer is in Full Swing and so are the Mosquitos! Mosquitos have always been the norm here in Minnesota due to the thousands of lakes and thick, lush plant life. It truly IS a paradise for these annoying little bloodsuckers. The old joke around here is that the...
Drunken Cherry Chocolates – With or Without Liquor
Drunken Cherry Chocolates Since chocolate is great for stress, this is how I spent my "stay-at-home" time. Ingredients: 1. Cherries: Large, pitted sweet cherries - frozen or fresh (10-12 cherries per tiny liquor bottle works well) 2. Favorite...

How to Quickly Change Scented Wax Melts Without a Fuss
Scented wax melts are one of my favorite ways to change the energy in the room. Scents can pick me up or calm me down depending on the fragrance. However, something that's bugged me for years is how to quickly change out the scent in a warmer without much...

Crazy Halloween Fruit – Scary Goblin Fingers
Just in time for Halloween! I was in the produce department the other day and came across these: "Goblin Fingers" - Yikes! It turns out that this cleverly marketed and rare fruit is really called "Buddha's Hand Citron". This wild looking fruit is actually a a...

12 Edible Flowers. Add New Flavor to your Recipes
Try Edible Flowers in Your Next Culinary Creation. Cooking with flowers is a fun way to add a touch of fun and flair to your recipes. You can create exciting, flavorful and visual experiences when you add lavender to bread or dandelions to salad. There are a...

Get Rid of Slugs and Snails Naturally without Poisons or Salt
How to Get Rid of Slugs and Snails without Poison or Salt! Snails and slugs are pretty much everywhere but if left unchecked they can become more than just a slimy nuisance, especially in the garden. I grew up in a very dry climate, and while there I had very...

5 Foods That Fight Stress and Keep Us Balanced
Help Reduce your Stress with Everyday Foods If you have a busy schedule, work deadlines, and other factors that are causing stress you can help increase the natural defenses of your body by eating everyday foods. Healthy eating has a positive effect in reducing...

5 Calming Herbal Teas – Slow Down and Enjoy Life
The stresses of daily life can sure take a toll. Sometimes I just need to take a break and reboot my mind back to factory settings. Whether it’s taking a mental break, calming my frazzled nerves, or getting some much needed sleep, a nice cup of the right tea...

Why Go Gluten-Free? How it Can Affect our Health
What is Gluten? We hear so much about it but what is it really? Gluten is the protein found in flour, wheat, rye, sauces, and starches, but it’s a major dietary issue for millions of people around the world. Whether you have celiac disease, digestive problems...

Is Coconut Oil the New Super Food? The Many Benefits of Coconut
Coconut oil isn't just for your skin and hair. Considered one of the new super foods, coconut oil is known to have hundreds of uses: in the kitchen, for your skin, your hair, and even your pets! The Benefits of Coconut Oil Studies have shown that people...

What are the Pros and Cons of a Paleo Diet?
The Paleo Diet is also known as the "Caveman Diet" and the "Stone Age Diet". Paleo consists of anything that was found two million years ago – meat, seafood, berries, nuts, seeds, water, and vegetables. Fortunately, today’s version has a lot more variety than...
Using Fragrance for a Peaceful Atmosphere and Happy Vibe
Creating different moods in your home is easy with carefully chosen scents. Whether it's in a candle, incense, or aroma sticks, scents can have invigorating or calming effects on the entire household. When deciding what type of atmosphere you're looking to...
A Delicious Chocolate, Coconut, Almond Candy Recipe
Make this Yummy Chocolate, Coconut, and Almond Candy with Health Benefits to Boot. While traditional candy bars are tempting and satisfying, they are too often filled with artificial flavors and preservatives. Here's a chocolate, coconut, almond recipe that...
The Problem with Too Much Information – Take the Time to Breathe
Information is everywhere. The internet fills our screens 24/7 with anything and everything we can possibly want to know. Then the dreaded "pop ups" pull us off track even further into yet another article that we seem to "have to read right now". It's like...
10 Quick Reasons Why Kale is Part of a Healthy Diet.
Kale has become the biggest buzzword of all the super foods. What can you really gain from eating Kale? AND, is it any better than spinach or other vegetables? Here’s the low-down on this leafy green. 1. Kale is Fantastic for Weight Loss Known as the...
My Quick “Gluten-Free” Christmas Cookie Experiment
Are Gluten-Free Cookies Any Good? I had a cookie craving the other night and decided to try a gluten-free sugar cookie recipe. They turned out great and were really easy to make! Here's the recipe: Preheat Oven: 350 degrees Fahrenheit Dry Ingredients: Mix in a...
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